Archives: Services

Music Sunday with Baker Purdon

Join us for a worship experience that will restore your spirit and invigorate your mind.

Please click here to see the Order of Service.

In addition to attending in person, you can join us on Zoom HERE (passcode: sunday) or on YouTube Live … read more.

Worship with Molly Roses

Join us for a worship experience that will restore your spirit and invigorate your mind.

Please click here to see the Order of Service. Scroll down to view the recording of the service.

Molly Roses has been participating at USG since 2018 and as Worship … read more.

Worship with Rev. Cheryl M. Walker

Join us for a worship experience that will restore your spirit and invigorate your mind. Please bring a few flowers, as this service will include a Flower Communion. If you forget or have no flowers handy, don’t worry: we will also have extra blooms on … read more.