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Science and Religion agree again. The second halves of our lives have many distinct qualities in comparison with the first half.
Franciscan Richard Rohr writes, “In this second half of life, one has less and less need or interest in eliminating the negative or fearful, making again those old rash judgments. Your concern is not so much to have what you love anymore, but to love what you have— right now. We have moved from doing to being to an utterly new kind of doing that flows almost organically, quietly and by osmosis.”
In the second half of your life, can you let go of the negative and fearful? Can you organically flow in loving what you have — right now? The church opens us to give witness to this sacred, too often unheralded, stage of life.
A life-long Unitarian Universalist, Kent came to USG in 2002, bringing a vision for the church to “empower people as disciples of love.” Among his other responsibilities as lead minister he preaches 2 or 3 times per month. He also represents Unitarian Universalism in the community. Kent lives in the Mt. Airy neighborhood of Philadelphia with his wife Kristin and their two sons. For more, see his bio on the Staff Page.