Author: Carolyn Scott

A Letter from Our New President!

(Yeah, not that one. It’s our Board President!)
Hello Friends!
I’m excited and humbled by the opportunity and challenge ahead of us as we transition to a new Board!
I give my heartfelt thanks to Susan Smith for her excellent leadership, and to Eli Scearce and Bill Morrow … read more.

Help to Host PIHN Families

USG will Host Three PIHN Families in Need
Sunday, August 18 – Sunday, September 1, 2019

PIHN is the Philadelphia Interfaith Hospitality Network that assists homeless families work their way to permanent housing. The agency has over a 92% success rate of families who gain permanent … read more.

A Reflection: Wabi-Sabi by Carolyn Cotton

The following is a presentation that Carolyn Cotton gave on May 20, 2018, the Sunday that USG’s Exploring Elderhood group led our Worship Service. The paintings you see below are all created by Carolyn.


WABI SABI.  There is a term you don’t hear every … read more.

USG Special Membership Meeting

Unitarian Society of Germantown  

Special Membership Meeting for Proposed Bylaw Change

Sunday, April 29, 11:30am

Following the Bylaws discussion and vote,  the Capital Project Committee will give an update regarding the elevator addition and driveway … read more.

Deportee News and Thanks from Cynthia Claus

Long-time member Cynthia Claus, who now lives mostly in Mexico and attends the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of San Miguel de Allende (UUFSMA) would like to thank the USG members who responded so generously to the article about the new initiative of UUFSMA, Caminamos Juntos (We … read more.

Text Giving Option

We are excited to announce our new Text Giving option for making pledge and contribution payments to USG!

To give via text, please do the following:

Send text to this 10-digit Text Giving number 215-608-2660
In the message field put the amount, a space, and the fund you … read more.