Welcoming the Spring – A Day of Silent Meditation

12:00 am

The day will consist of alternating sitting meditation, walking meditation and QiGong Practice. 

Please bring your own lunch. Beverages will be provided.  Childcare will be available on a donation basis.


Retreat instructors: Deborah Cooper is a practicing licensed counselor and Mindfulness Meditation teacher. Paul Martin teaches QiGong both locally and for the national QiGong Society conference. 

​For information, call Deborah Cooper at: 215.248.0489 or email:​ deborahcooper125@gmail.com 

Cost: $25. Please complete this form to register. 
In the Buddhist tradition of dana, donations to the teachers at the end of the retreat will be greatly appreciated.

Springboard Meditation Sangha & Unitarian Society of Germantown

USG Sullivan Chapel
