Elevator/Driveway Capital Campaign
Capital Campaign for Elevator Project
a Success!
After several years of planning and fundraising, USG’s new elevator makes all three levels of the building accessible to all. The vestibule is graced with floor-to-ceiling windows, a “cathedral” ceiling, and a space suitable for small groups beside a balcony overlooking the mezzanine level. A new basement area provides much-needed additional storage space, as well.
Between 2017 and 2019, we raised more than $350,000 for the elevator and a widened and repaved driveway into our parking lot entrance. It was an ambitious goal, but we made it! Every pledge counted and moved us forward. We can’t thank the congregation enough for supporting this major renovation and making this dream come true.
Members deserving special mention on the project are: Bill Dowdall, Charles Gabriel, Bill Blasdell, Kurt Ahrens, Carolyn Cotton, Jon Pron, and Linda Bernstein and the Capital Campaign Committee.