There is a national organization called YARN, the UU Young Adult Revival Network. Young Adults are generally 18-35. YARN is a project to rebuild the continental UU young adult network! They have had incredible success in getting established and incubating emerging ministries during the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes growing identity groups, worship services, monthly leadership calls, three online conferences, and more. YARN is based out of the UU San Francisco congregation and is supported by its staff member Joe Chapot, Ministerial Assistant and Young Adult Coordinator.

 A short video that explains what YARN is. Watch and see what they are all about!

They are on:

o Facebook –

o Twitter –

o Instagram – 

o Youtube –

o Discord (for young adults only) – 

And they have a bi-monthly newsletter, The Sweet Potato, containing all the young adult ministry opportunities that YARN and other UU organizations offer.

o Register Here:

o See the February 23 Edition here: