Archives: Services

Holiday Music Service, Mark Daugherty and the USG Choir

Kirke Mechem’s Seven Joys of Christmas is a “Sequence of Carols”:  the Joy of Love, the Joy of Bells, the Joy of Mary, the Joy of Children, the Joy of the New Year, the Joy of Dance, and the Joy of Song. The choir will be accompanied  … read more.

Blessed Mess, Rev. Kent Matthies

Planning holiday meals or visiting with friends or family can lead to deep satisfaction and beautiful memories. The holidays can also mean unmet expectations and needs. Many times, we have to let go of previous hopes and accept new realities. Can we accept the imperfections … read more.

We Remember Them, Connie Simon, Intern Minister

Transgender Day of Remembrance is an opportunity for communities to come together and remember transgender people, gender-variant individuals, and those perceived to be transgender, who have been murdered because of hate. We remember those who were lost to violence this year and affirm our commitment to … read more.

Thanksgiving Bread Communion – Rev. Kent Matthies with Music Director Mark Daugherty & CommUUnity Day Drummers, Singers, Yoga Sadhakas, Poets, Storybook Makers, & Chanters

As an important part of an enriching, multi-generational Community Day we will celebrate a meaningful, participatory Thanksgiving bread communion. At all ages, we go through exciting and challenging situations. Regardless of circumstance we can do what we can to give back to life with … read more.

Service Is Our Prayer, Rev. Libby Smith

Our theologies and our spiritual practices may vary, but at the heart of our religious life is a call to serve others, a call that transcends all our differences and brings us together in a shared expression of faith. The Rev. Libby Smith has served … read more.

We’re All in This Together, Connie Simon, Intern Minister

Census reports show that poverty in Philadelphia remains the worst among the nation’s big cities.  Government doesn’t seem to have any answers.  What is our responsibility as people of faith?  How can we work together with interfaith partners to help our community? 

What Does Make America Great? Mark Bernstein

What should spiritual people do in these interesting times? Is it time to give up, or redouble our efforts to save the soul of our country? A mythological battle. Mark Bernstein has been USG’s Board President and is now our Treasurer. Last year he retired … read more.