It Matters What We Believe, Zoë Johnston

Sophia Lyon Fahs, a revolutionary UU religious educator, wrote that “it matters what we believe.” Our shared faith values can shape how we live our lives and how we impact the world. Join us for this multigen service in which we explore the beliefs of … read more.

Love Hurts, Rev. Hannah

With love at the center of our faith, we are required to wrestle with it often. What does it mean to practice love in different contexts and with different styles? What happens when we stop believing in love but need it all the same? 

… read more.

The Welcome Table, Rev. Hannah Capaldi

The poet Joy Harjo writes “The world begins at a kitchen table. No matter what, we must eat to live.” Come this Sunday to hear how filling our bellies and breaking bread together are essential ingredients to building the Welcome Table.

You can watch a recording … read more.