Archives: Services

Journey Toward Wholeness, Connie Simon, Intern Minister

Humans are fragile creatures –alternately weak and strong, brave and frightened, carrying our hopes and dreams, burdens, fears and insecurities as we navigate through life.  Sometimes our fragility tears us apart individually and as community.  It can also bring us closer.   How do we come … read more.

Beyond White Privilege

USG is joining with approximately 600 UU congregations from all 50 states and six countries in the “White Supremacy Teach-In” – a look at those unconscious institutional assumptions and practices that tend to benefit white people and exclude people of color.  This service promises to … read more.

Coming of Age Service

The fourth UU principle encouraging a free and responsible search for truth and meaning guides the Coming of Age class as they spend the year thinking and talking about what is true for them and what they believe is most important as they become young … read more.

A UU Easter Celebration, Connie Simon, Intern Minister

How do Unitarian Universalists observe Easter in a way that acknowledges and honors our Judeo-Christian heritage while still recognizing the rich theological diversity that makes our faith tradition so unique? Please join us as we give new thought to the Easter celebration. Bring a flower-per-person … read more.

Soul Fights, Rev. Greg Pelley

In solitude, three ancient characters enter the dark night of the soul, pleading for release, relief or a blessing. These are our Soul Fights, moments of solitude where we must choose to either risk the fight or miss the chance to transform our lives. Rev. … read more.