Speaker: Rev. Kent Matthies

In God We Trust? Rev. Kent Matthies

Rumi said, “You were born with goodness and trust.”  The question often becomes, trust in what?  Trust in God?  Trust in Love?  Trust in Life?  These are deep and complicated questions for many of us.  Thankfully, our Unitarian Universalist tradition embraces an open and … read more.

Oh, Blessed Light! Rev. Kent Matthies

Winter Solstice marks turning from dark towards light.  The wheel of fire will roll through the parking lot tonight – not hitting any cars!  St. Lucia Day celebrates the emergence of light and hope amidst the fear of dark and despair.  The shining of this … read more.

In the Dark, Rev. Kent Matthies

The shortest days and the longest nights. We are on our way to the season of light — but be careful not to hurry. Disappointments, melancholy and heartbreaks are integral to life’s fabric, and we can learn to embrace them. There can be a mystery … read more.