Archives: Services

Becoming a People of Resilience

Helen Keller said, “Although the world is filled with suffering, it is also filled with people overcoming it.”  People fall down, get set back, and thrown off.  Today various members of USG share their own personal experiences and testimonials of how they get back up … read more.

Selected Shorts: A Musical Appreciation

The choir will present Robert Ray’s invigorating Gospel Magnificat as well as two movements from Ariel Ramirez’s popular folk mass, Misa Criolla.  The music is sincerely spiritual in the Catholic/catholic tradition and is highly listenable. Both works feature wonderful melodies and infectious rhythms; each … read more.

The Cleopatra Connection, Andrea Durham

Andrea will share lessons from the life of the Pharaoh Cleopatra on integrity and living your own dharma.

Andrea Durham is an attorney in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  She has worked as a Program Attorney for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development since 1994.  Ms. … read more.

#MeToo, Dr. King, Rev. Kent Matthies

The new movie Bombshell depicts female employees at Fox News who were insulted, abused, assaulted and then terrorized to not stand up for themselves.  Studies indicate that over 30% of women in the United States have experienced domestic violence.  This is absolutely terrible and … read more.

Be Who You Are, Rev. Kent Matthies

Buddhists talk about radical acceptance of self.  Daoists talk about the true essence of being.  An African proverb talks of singing your song.  Unitarian Universalist minister Forrest Church said, “Be who you are.” All these spiritual teachings can guide us to healthy, peaceful and … read more.

Jazz Funeral for the Old Year!

Rev. Kent Matthies and Barbone Street Jazz Band
This may be the best New Year’s party yet!  Bid goodbye to the Old Year and “second line” dance your way into the New Year.  In Beloved Community with Dixieland Jazz, you can also rededicate to which core … read more.

Of Light and Service

As we reach the shortest day and the longest night of the year, USG will celebrate light and service touching on St. Lucia, Winter Solstice, and Hanukkah. This will be a multigenerational service.