Archives: Services

Mars Rover, Mars Rover, Rev. Kent Matthies

NASA’s Opportunity, the Mars Rover, just finished 15 years of rolling across our neighbor planet’s rocky red soil.  Opportunity helped to discover evidence that ancient Mars had water and might have been capable of sustaining life.  This Stewardship Sunday we celebrate the opportunity USG … read more.


February is Black History month, also known as African American History Month. February can provide us a bit of a dilemma. On the upside there is some attention paid to black history. On the downside, inherently, it perpetuates the separation of blackness, African Americans, from … read more.

In God We Trust? Rev. Kent Matthies

Rumi said, “You were born with goodness and trust.”  The question often becomes, trust in what?  Trust in God?  Trust in Love?  Trust in Life?  These are deep and complicated questions for many of us.  Thankfully, our Unitarian Universalist tradition embraces an open and … read more.

Faith Under Pressure, Rev. Rosemary Bray McNatt

So many of us come to Unitarian Universalism to find community, to renew our spirits, to commit ourselves to the work of justice. But the promises we made as liberal religious people were made in a world very different than the one in which … read more.

The Possibility of Me, You, and Us, Esther Wyss-Flamm

At the heart of each one of us resides essential Light, also known in Sanskrit as prana. In most of us, however, this Light is dampened, shrouded in a cloak of self-protective darkness that prevents us from standing fully in our powerful presence, individually and … read more.