Archives: Services

Kwanzaa Celebration

We will have a joyous time lighting candles, telling stories, and moving to the beats of African drumming. Enjoy the dynamic, inspirational Universal African Dance & Drum Ensemble who will lift up the principles of Kwanzaa: unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, … read more.

Music Sunday: The Wisdom of Old Turtle

Old Turtle is an enchanting fable that promotes a deeper understanding of the earth and our relationship with all the beings who inhabit it. The book was selected the American Booksellers Association 1993 Book of the Year; composer Joseph Martin set the author’s words to … read more.

Reverence for Loss, Rev. Kent Matthies

At the Holiday season we emphasize giving thanks for what we have.  But the holidays can also remind us of what we have lost.  Many of us anguish over loss of loved ones, relationships, health, jobs — How can we learn from and even revere … read more.

Where Do We Go From Here? Rev. Kent Matthies

The range of emotions we may be feeling after Election Day is tremendous. No matter what happens, we the people of our nation have to go forward to be the best we can be. It will require bold personal and community spiritual innovation to move forward … read more.

Finding Your Blessings, Intern Minister Connie Simon

When there is so much intolerance, discord and suffering in our community and our world, seeing the blessings in life can be a challenge.  Sometimes we’re just too busy and distracted to see them.  Yet, there they are – waiting to be discovered and revealed. How … read more.