Speaker: Rev. Kent Matthies

Crossing the Jordan, Rev Kent Matthies

Moses had died. God placed Joshua in charge of the Israelites who, after 40 years of wandering, felt trapped in the wilderness. Joshua’s mission was to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land and to take with them the sacred Ark of the Covenant. The … read more.

Spirituality of Resistance

Who made resistance possible for you? Who invited you into a vision of an entirely new day? Who helped you resist the pressures to follow the herd? Come hear four folks share their own experiences and thoughts on our spiritual theme of the month, … read more.

Father’s Day: He for She, Rev. Kent Matthies

Let’s celebrate fatherhood and fathers.  Let’s celebrate efforts of love, support, humility, and sacrifice that fathers – imperfect as they are – have made for children, family and community.  Let’s ALSO explore how men around the world are increasing commitments to create a world where … read more.

Mars Rover, Mars Rover, Rev. Kent Matthies

NASA’s Opportunity, the Mars Rover, just finished 15 years of rolling across our neighbor planet’s rocky red soil.  Opportunity helped to discover evidence that ancient Mars had water and might have been capable of sustaining life.  This Stewardship Sunday we celebrate the opportunity USG … read more.