Archives: Services

Summer Fun? Rev. Kent Matthies

Is summertime fun still a thing during many layers of crisis?  In some ways, no.  However, we still find ourselves here on earth with the faith commitment to explore, enjoy, and share this goodness of life.  How are you having fun and enjoying life these days? … read more.

UU General Assembly Worship

Access the worship service HERE .

Order of Service

Beyond the Water’s Edge
These are uncertain and volatile times. These are times that call on us to work towards our collective liberation while also tending to our spiritual needs and caring for others. How … read more.

Compassion Matters! Rev Kent Matthies

Mounting scientific evidence indicates that receiving compassion helps medical patients recover better.  However, many studies show that in the US health system this ingredient too often goes missing.  The increasing clarity of the positive impact of active caring -in all areas of life – exemplifies … read more.

Using Our Gifts, the USG Board of Trustees

Below is the Order of Service.

The work of building, maintaining and growing a church requires imagination, resourcefulness, and determination. On this Sunday, we recognize those who have used their heads, hands, and hearts as well as plenty of time and energy, to strengthen our … read more.

Coming of Age Service ONLINE

A group of 12 youth in 8th to 11th grades has spent the year thinking and talking about what is important to them and what they believe in preparation for sharing it with the congregation.

Coming of Age programs help UU youth begin the process … read more.