Archives: Services

Gaia, Hear Our Prayer! Rev. Kent Matthies

We belong to Mother Earth!  May the meditations of our hearts touch our deep gratitude.  May our actions embody gentle care as committed stewards of the precious planet.  How do we bond together and respond to this absolutely critical calling to connect with and … read more.

Why Have You Rejected Me? Guest Speaker Jordan Ford

Jordan will explore why God’s children are sometimes oppressed and the reassurance God gives to his people that He will deliver them. The sermon will come from Psalm 43:1-3, with a special emphasis on verse two: “For You are the God of my strength; why … read more.

Crossing the Jordan, Rev Kent Matthies

Moses had died. God placed Joshua in charge of the Israelites who, after 40 years of wandering, felt trapped in the wilderness. Joshua’s mission was to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land and to take with them the sacred Ark of the Covenant. The … read more.

Why Bother Meditating? Guest Speaker Deborah Cooper

In this brief presentation, Deborah will talk about the origin of mindfulness meditation and how and why to practice it. She will end with a short guided meditation.

Deborah is a mother and grandmother. She has been studying and practicing  meditation for most of her adult … read more.

Where the Spirit May Reside, Tom Ott

Our eight Principles are the foundation of our faith as we presently live it. And they ask much of us, both theologically and practically. A question that should be prominent for all Unitarian Universalists is “How may I embody this faith that encourages freedom while … read more.

A Covenantal Faith, Guest Speaker Julia Landis

A covenant is a coming together of two or more parties in an agreement, commitment, or pledge.   As UUs, covenants are made as aspirational goals we hope to fulfill; when we fall short, we make amends to be in right relations with each other. … read more.