Archives: Services

Where the Spirit May Reside, Tom Ott

Our eight Principles are the foundation of
our faith as we presently live it. And they ask much of us, both theologically
and practically. A question that should be prominent for all Unitarian
Universalists is “How may I embody this faith that encourages freedom
while urging responsibility?”

Tom Ott has … read more.

Wax On, Wax Off, Meg Ryan

What do artists and the science of creativity have to teach us about the links between resilience and resistance, between self-advocacy and connection with others, and how to solve the intractable problems of our world?

Meg Ryan is a flutist by training, a … read more.

The Goddess Pilgrimage, Andrea Durham

This spring Andrea journeyed to Crete to learn about ancient Minoan culture, worship of the Goddess and matriarchal societies. The Pilgrimage included experiencing Bronze Age Minoan ritual sites on mountains and in caves and a 1400 year old convent still functioning today. It celebrates a … read more.

Spirituality of Resistance

Who made resistance possible for you? Who invited you into a vision of an entirely new day? Who helped you resist the pressures to follow the herd? Come hear four folks share their own experiences and thoughts on our spiritual theme of the month, … read more.

GA Sunday: The Power of We, Worship Service at 1pm

We will once again join the thousands of UUs at General Assembly (GA) by live streaming the Sunday morning worship.  GA is in Spokane, Washington this year, so we will change our service time to 1pm. This will give us the opportunity to spend the … read more.

Father’s Day: He for She, Rev. Kent Matthies

Let’s celebrate fatherhood and fathers.  Let’s celebrate efforts of love, support, humility, and sacrifice that fathers – imperfect as they are – have made for children, family and community.  Let’s ALSO explore how men around the world are increasing commitments to create a world where … read more.