Archives: Services

Live Stream of Sunday Morning Worship at the UU General Assembly

Come to USG to join in this powerful, communal worship experience with the largest annual gathering of UUs via live stream.
The Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray will lead the worship this year.
She is the ninth president of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). She served as lead minister of the … read more.

CSD Sunday, Carnival, & Potluck BBQ

We celebrate this past year’s achievements, children and teachers. Join us for this lively intergenerational service where we affirm our commitment to the youngest members of our community. The Worship Service will be immediately followed by a potluck BBQ and CSD Carnival.



How Do I Love You? Rev. Kent Matthies

On Father’s Day, people often experience a wide range of emotions, including gratitude, regret, joy and pain.  One aspect of the complex relationships people have with fatherhood involves the different ways in which people express love.  In his book Five Love Languages, Gary Chapman identifies … read more.

Adventure Awaits, Intern Minister Connie Simon

Spring is often a time of transition.  The season is filled with weddings, graduations, life changes and the promise of new adventures.  This Sunday, we celebrate the baby dedication of Soleil Sanders and Intern Minister Connie Simon’s last Sunday in the USG pulpit.