Author: Carolyn Scott

Help USG Host PIHN Families

PIHN is the Philadelphia Interfaith Hospitality Network, which supports families as they strive to work their way out of homelessness.

USG will feed and house three families this summer from Sunday, August 18 until Sunday, September 1. The families will each have a room in … read more.

What is the Committee on Ministry and what do they do?

The Committee on Ministry (COM) is a small group appointed by the Board to assist in accomplishing USG’s mission by advising the Minister; facilitating communication between the Minister and members of the congregation; and helping resolve conflicts, using outside consultation when necessary. We also are … read more.

Difficult Conversations

Difficult Conversations are not a one-time event. Real conversation takes time to grow and for participants to gain trust in each other and get comfortable being uncomfortable. So we want to continue the Difficult Conversations on White Privilege, White Supremacy and White Fragility to include … read more.