Archives: Services

A More Perfect Union, Andrea Durham

Scroll down to find the recorded service.

Below on the left is a portrait of Thomas Jefferson; on the right is a portrait of his sixth great grandson, Shannon LaNier. Join us this Sunday to find out who is missing from the family album as we … read more.

Empowering Women: A Centennial Perspective

Click HERE to join the worship service starting at 9:50am on Sunday.

Scroll down to see the Order of Service.

In August of 2020, we celebrate 100 years of the right of American women to vote. At this service, we honor the people who devoted … read more.

Our Interdependent World, Maggie Beaumont

Scroll down to find the RECORDING of this service.

We are all connected. Every breath we take depends on the trees who release oxygen. Collaboration is often more useful than working independently. We depend on many species for nearly every part of our lives. And we’ve recently … read more.

The Power to Change, USG Elders ONLINE

Click HERE to join the worship service starting at 9:50am on Sunday.

In this time of pandemic, the elders of our beloved USG Community cannot but look back on the many challenges – wars, depressions, nuclear threats, civil disruptions and many other times of darkness … read more.

A Time for Big Dreams, Ryan Hurd ONLINE

One of the unexpected effects of this era of pandemic and social unrest is that people have been reporting a massive increase in vivid dreaming.  We will explore  Pandemic Dreams, including the potential for big dreams — those creative dreams that can shift worldviews and … read more.