Archives: Services

Oh, Blessed Light! Rev. Kent Matthies

Winter Solstice marks turning from dark towards light.  The wheel of fire will roll through the parking lot tonight – not hitting any cars!  St. Lucia Day celebrates the emergence of light and hope amidst the fear of dark and despair.  The shining of this … read more.

In the Dark, Rev. Kent Matthies

The shortest days and the longest nights. We are on our way to the season of light — but be careful not to hurry. Disappointments, melancholy and heartbreaks are integral to life’s fabric, and we can learn to embrace them. There can be a mystery … read more.

Oh, We Give Thanks , Tom Ott

For atheists, agnostics and theists, saying “thank you” for the blessings in your life is a great practice. We come together on the Sunday after the American Seder, Thanksgiving, to engage in the sacred act of saying “thanks.” Out of our gratitude comes a strong … read more.